I suppose I should update you lot on what's going on.
Well, I went inworld for ten days two weeks ago. Refused to front and hit rock bottom with my depression. I wanted to self harm, I cried a lot, and I even stopped speaking for four days. I refused to eat as well. My headmates dealt to life for me during that time, but I was forced back out early when my pregnant friend was talking about suicide, and Trent (the headmate who was fronting at the time) went into minor shock and withdrew, forcing me to front and deal with the situation. I couldn't speak for two days. I gained 3kg in a week from my headmates forcing me to eat, which pushed me into the overweight range, which made me worse. Eventually I began speaking again and I'm doing a lot better now, I actually feel like I'm improving. Trent and Leslee started the process of getting counselling sorted, so I'm on my way for that, and David pushed me into going to the doctor to get some antibiotics for my chest infection, which has started me on a mission to get a bunch of health related things done.
I'm now 63 days without self harm. I nearly broke last night, but didn't. I'm getting an orange ribbon tattoo on my scarred wrist when I'm one year clean, but I'm getting this pentacle:
on my shoulder blade relatively soon and a cute tattoo of a sort of "broadcast love" style on my ankle: the Bluetooth symbol with a heart rather than a dot at some point.
What else? Not sure there's much else to say, really. I've started a daily makeup and outfit thing on Facebook, which is here if you're interested.
I think that's it. I'll probably post again soonish.
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