Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Hehehehe. I just wanna tell you guys how happy I am right now.

I did a Samhain ritual with my flatmates last night, at around midnight. It was really awesome, I knew exactly what to say and what to do, and despite some hitches at the beginning (salt was poured on my shoes, I dropped my apple, we left the offering inside), it went smoothly, until the end.

It was me, A, and her boyfriend M. We acknowledged our loved ones who had passed, gave an offering of corn and apple cores (after eating the apples), threw things we wanted to change about ourselves into the fire and buried what wouldn't burn, said some words about our loved ones, then closed the circle. Afterwards, M needed to ground because he was overwhelmed with energy. While he was sitting on the grass he was transported to a place with his cousin, who died ten years ago. His cousin was aged ten years to the age he'd be now, and they were playing rugby and talking. We spent a few minutes getting him to respond, brought him back to reality and took him inside. I've eaten and so have they and now a few hours later we're good. We think Nyx chose him, but for what is yet to be seen.

I chose to burn a piece of paper with insecurity scribbled on it, and said "I'm extremely insecure, and that is something I want to change. I want to be happy with myself and with my body, so I throw this on the fire." A took a rusted folding blade from her pocket, opened it and said "I stole this from Matt* the other day, and have been intending to use it for a few days now. But I haven't, and now I'm chucking it on the fire because I'm not gonna self harm anymore, because I'm over it." and threw it at the flames. M pulled out a piece of paper and said, "I wrote 'anger' on this bit of paper, because I need to stop being such an angry person. I need to feel something other than rage. I need to feel love and joy and happiness, things I feel when I'm with A, I want to feel those things when I'm not with her." and threw it into the flames.


*Matt is not "M".

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