A blog by an eating disordered depressive multiple who has a love/hate relationship with life and just wants to be content.
Monday, 21 May 2012
A multiple I've been teaching about healthy plurality stopped contacting me a week ago after she said she was suicidal. I re-established contact with her today and she said she's about to fly out for treatment for her multiplicity...I have a very sad feeling about this. She sent me a link to a psychiatric facility's website. The front page makes me want to cry and smash something, it's so biased and untrue. I asked if she's going to integrate, she said she doesn't know. I'm pretty certain that's what's going to happen. She doesn't know if she wants to integrate or not...I told her "It makes me really sad when multiples integrate...but it's your choice. You can choose to let them integrate you, or you can choose to stay multiple. Either way it's up to you. Maybe multiplicity isn't something you can deal with right now. All I can say is I tried." and I just hope that she chooses to let them live.
Her reply: "You tried what?"
"To help. To let you know that multiplicity isn't always bad, it isn't always something you need therapy and drugs for, that integration isn't the only option, and it's very rarely the best."
"What else do i do?"
"let them live. Live with them, as I do. I haven't integrated, and depression and anxiety aside, I'm fine. They haven't affected me badly. I chose not to integrate, I chose to remain multiple, because I know they're my friends and I'm not insane."
"depression and anxiety aside? i have alters who are trying to kill me. i dont know if integration is the final conclusion. i need to stay safe"
"I have a headmate who wants to hurt me. They can be bound, they can be kicked out of the system. They don't have to remain there. Integration may not be what you go in for but that place seems like they want to make integration happen, make it seem like the best idea. Do what you will, I can't stop you."
I failed. She's going to kill them because I failed. If she integrates I am going to really start promoting healthy multiplicity. I'm going to make it well known. I can't let this happen again.
She didn't integrate but I haven't spoken to her in months.
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