Thursday, 1 March 2012


So I was just scrolling through my post list, when I saw some of them had been viewed (once).

So I want to do a test, to see how many people read my posts. Please leave a comment either here or on another post, if relevant, and just say something, anything, even if it's "I like trains", I wanna see how many readers I have and who they are. I'll even check out your blog and put you on my read list if you're on Blogspot.


  1. Im reading i voted for your secret in i just want you to know im here for you and no im no crazy pedo im just another girl who has been there and wants to help.

  2. Also, saw your post on sbs... i wish i could help. I dont have an ED, but i am fighting with SH. Stay strong!

  3. Hey, i also saw your post om sbs. I am struggeling with SH, so I dont know the whole deal, but i hope things get better. Stay strong, I care.
