Tuesday, 28 February 2012

for fuck's sake

I am extremely confused by this whole "beauty is skin deep thing". Of course it's fucking skin deep, but it appeals to something deeper than the skin. Do you tell people "it's only on the surface" when they admire a beautiful piece of art? No, you don't, so why tell people "beauty is skin deep" when they're admiring beautiful people? I do believe we generally say "can I look like him/her/xyr/thon??" rather than "can I be". What if I happen to admire a beautiful woman as a piece of art, as I would a painting?

It actually annoys me that people go on about beauty being skin deep. It doesn't matter, insecurity is soul deep.

On another note, I am very pissed off. Because of THIS. *rage*. The OP was me. As is "Rik de Lioncourt"

What the actual fuck? I know there's gonna be people in life you just clash with but she triggers me beyond belief, from one comment. I had just gotten rid of one person who was doing that, and now this Rebecca chick?? Kinda wanna block her but that's a little immature. I wish she'd just piss off and stop commenting on my posts before I lash out. I dunno. Am I overreacting? Probably.

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